Post by Mother Russia on Apr 13, 2016 4:56:28 GMT
Last night was glorious seeing Noxy get owned by the bitch she underestimated most throughout lol
What sucks is I couldn't even properly enjoy it after what happened to me in RL with my favo uncle in the world dying unexpectedly in his prime and 2000+ miles away in another country. (R.I.P. )
Green cunts totally benefited a lot from the Noxy boot, but so did Selene & I! Green cunts will get most of the credit for the move but the truth is I ran that round along with Selene since the start, anyone reading our PMs know this. I told her we'd side with green cunts only IF they went for the Noxy boot we wanted and they actually wanted the same shit, so it worked out for all of us like magic.
Now it's time to start playing for F3 which means one of those green sluts will be dropping dead tonight! I already sent out messages to Xena/Klayre and Selene about this earlier and had talked with Selene about it also since yesterday. We were always going to turn on whatever side won out last night this round, welp at least that's what I intend on doing. Here's what I sent them earier:
Yelta Konferenze with Xena/Klayre:
Will they take this awesome offer or continue to play like idiots again? Guess we'll find out zoon enough.
What sucks is I couldn't even properly enjoy it after what happened to me in RL with my favo uncle in the world dying unexpectedly in his prime and 2000+ miles away in another country. (R.I.P. )
Green cunts totally benefited a lot from the Noxy boot, but so did Selene & I! Green cunts will get most of the credit for the move but the truth is I ran that round along with Selene since the start, anyone reading our PMs know this. I told her we'd side with green cunts only IF they went for the Noxy boot we wanted and they actually wanted the same shit, so it worked out for all of us like magic.
Now it's time to start playing for F3 which means one of those green sluts will be dropping dead tonight! I already sent out messages to Xena/Klayre and Selene about this earlier and had talked with Selene about it also since yesterday. We were always going to turn on whatever side won out last night this round, welp at least that's what I intend on doing. Here's what I sent them earier:
Yelta Konferenze with Xena/Klayre:
Ok kuntz, the tyme haz kome for uz to put old Zulako dyvyzyon zhyt azyde and realyze ve MUZT unyte and bekome ztronger than ever group of zlutz nov vhen ve have very fev optyonz left for any of uz to vin game! In other vordz, enough viz the bullzhyt and fukkyng around!
Mother Russia iz not deluzyonal bytch and zhe knov zhe have very zmall chance of vyktory bekauze of lov aktyvyty and other thyngz! Thyz doez not mean Mother Russia zhould roll over and juzt vayt in hope that other kuntz vyll drag her to fynalz, u knov? Mother Russia muzt fyght lyke zhe iz female Zyberyan Bull lyke Ivan Drago!
Mother Russia talk vyz both of u kuntz after vote lazt nyght and both zay u vanted to pull trygger on tranny zlut zoon anyvay, zo ve all kould have made better plan together for thyz if u kuntz have told Mother Russia about thyz lol. Tranny zlut alvayz make Mother Russia feel lyke zhe iz tag-a-long bytch only in allyanze, pluz zhe target Mother Russia to everyone in Zulako trybe before merge and to all green kuntz alzo in merge! Mother Russia knov it benefyt green kuntz to have her pull trygger on Noxy lazyt nyght, but it felt lyke zomethyng that needed to happen after the vay tranny zlut handle entyre round full of idol paranoya and zkramblyng. Lying to Zelene and targettyng her behynd bakk vhen Zulako needed her vote vaz RETARDED!
Ve muzt get her to kome bakk to uz nov but only vay to do iz beyng honezt viz her! Zhe iz not byg idyot lyke Noxy thynk zhe iz, and zhe alzo zeem to knov about every green kuntz deztroying uz in fynalz! They are game underdogz and play great game explytyng Zulako dyvyzyon in merge, vhyle Zulakuntz zpend all merge targettyng each other inztead! Problem iz, Zelene iz underdog bytch alzo nov after beyng byg target for many roundz and lozyng kloze komradez in zame nyght!
Vhych mean, all 3 zlutz in here muzt kome together for indyvydual and mutual benefyt zynze ve have much better chanze in fynalz agaynzt each other than ve do viz any other kunt next to uz! Maybe thyz iz not orygynal plan ve all have before but ve kannot afford to zkrev up one more tyme bekauze ve only play for zekond or thyrd plaze after that! Do u kuntz get vhat Mother Russia zay?! Green kuntz deztroy everyone in fynalz, they destroy Zelene alzo, but Zelene deztroy every other kunt left in game!
Mother Russia take byg ryzk viz thyz mezzage bekauze u kuntz kan very eazy run and tell green kuntz and Zelene about thyz, but guezz vhat? You vyll be throvyng avay your gamez alzo, and Mother Russia ultymately don't kare too much if zhe iz voted out or no zynze zhe hate zendyng mezzagez in game anyvay lol. Mother Russia hope u kuntz are zmart enough to zee vhat'z in front of u and hov uz 3 komyng together lyke Ztalyn, Churchyl, & FDR do in VVII to defeat oppozytyon iz vhat iz needed here in game! Kan u zlutz guezz vho iz Ztalyn here?
Green kuntz bekome zukkzezzful vhen ve are dyvyded, but they kannot hurt uz if ve kome together! All ve need iz Zelene to vote viz uz thyz round, then ve kontrol 50% of vote next round, if ve keep Zelene vyz uz agayn for next vote tomorrov, ve have eazy path to fynalz after thyz, ve kan then chooze if ve vant green kunt or Zelene in F4 viz uz! Zelene iz vorzt kompetytor in myzzyon zo zhe iz excellent kandydate for fynal jury zpot, but ve kan alvayz go vyz green kunt inztead, except if that green bytch vinz fynal immunyty, ve are fukkd and handyng her game!
Mozt important thyng iz to get Zelene viz uz by promyzyng her Fynalz 4 deal zynze thyz muzt be vhat green kuntz promyze her already! Ve muzt make bytch feel komfortable in pryvate konverzatyon and in group meetyng Klayre ztart for uz already! And mozt important of everythyng, ve kannot throv each other under buz to green kuntz or Zelene about thyz zhyt or Mother Russia vyll jump zhyp for real thyz tyme and vork to help a green Fynal 3 out of game! Thyz iz not threat, it'z realyty! Mother Russia vyll knov if zhe get throvn under buz, zo don't even try it, I vyll keep everythyng ve zay in here zekret alzo! Mother Russia vant open honezt relatyonzhyp viz u zlutz zo ve kan vork better together lyke Red Army in var! ☭
Mother Russia iz not deluzyonal bytch and zhe knov zhe have very zmall chance of vyktory bekauze of lov aktyvyty and other thyngz! Thyz doez not mean Mother Russia zhould roll over and juzt vayt in hope that other kuntz vyll drag her to fynalz, u knov? Mother Russia muzt fyght lyke zhe iz female Zyberyan Bull lyke Ivan Drago!
Mother Russia talk vyz both of u kuntz after vote lazt nyght and both zay u vanted to pull trygger on tranny zlut zoon anyvay, zo ve all kould have made better plan together for thyz if u kuntz have told Mother Russia about thyz lol. Tranny zlut alvayz make Mother Russia feel lyke zhe iz tag-a-long bytch only in allyanze, pluz zhe target Mother Russia to everyone in Zulako trybe before merge and to all green kuntz alzo in merge! Mother Russia knov it benefyt green kuntz to have her pull trygger on Noxy lazyt nyght, but it felt lyke zomethyng that needed to happen after the vay tranny zlut handle entyre round full of idol paranoya and zkramblyng. Lying to Zelene and targettyng her behynd bakk vhen Zulako needed her vote vaz RETARDED!
Ve muzt get her to kome bakk to uz nov but only vay to do iz beyng honezt viz her! Zhe iz not byg idyot lyke Noxy thynk zhe iz, and zhe alzo zeem to knov about every green kuntz deztroying uz in fynalz! They are game underdogz and play great game explytyng Zulako dyvyzyon in merge, vhyle Zulakuntz zpend all merge targettyng each other inztead! Problem iz, Zelene iz underdog bytch alzo nov after beyng byg target for many roundz and lozyng kloze komradez in zame nyght!
Vhych mean, all 3 zlutz in here muzt kome together for indyvydual and mutual benefyt zynze ve have much better chanze in fynalz agaynzt each other than ve do viz any other kunt next to uz! Maybe thyz iz not orygynal plan ve all have before but ve kannot afford to zkrev up one more tyme bekauze ve only play for zekond or thyrd plaze after that! Do u kuntz get vhat Mother Russia zay?! Green kuntz deztroy everyone in fynalz, they destroy Zelene alzo, but Zelene deztroy every other kunt left in game!
Mother Russia take byg ryzk viz thyz mezzage bekauze u kuntz kan very eazy run and tell green kuntz and Zelene about thyz, but guezz vhat? You vyll be throvyng avay your gamez alzo, and Mother Russia ultymately don't kare too much if zhe iz voted out or no zynze zhe hate zendyng mezzagez in game anyvay lol. Mother Russia hope u kuntz are zmart enough to zee vhat'z in front of u and hov uz 3 komyng together lyke Ztalyn, Churchyl, & FDR do in VVII to defeat oppozytyon iz vhat iz needed here in game! Kan u zlutz guezz vho iz Ztalyn here?
Green kuntz bekome zukkzezzful vhen ve are dyvyded, but they kannot hurt uz if ve kome together! All ve need iz Zelene to vote viz uz thyz round, then ve kontrol 50% of vote next round, if ve keep Zelene vyz uz agayn for next vote tomorrov, ve have eazy path to fynalz after thyz, ve kan then chooze if ve vant green kunt or Zelene in F4 viz uz! Zelene iz vorzt kompetytor in myzzyon zo zhe iz excellent kandydate for fynal jury zpot, but ve kan alvayz go vyz green kunt inztead, except if that green bytch vinz fynal immunyty, ve are fukkd and handyng her game!
Mozt important thyng iz to get Zelene viz uz by promyzyng her Fynalz 4 deal zynze thyz muzt be vhat green kuntz promyze her already! Ve muzt make bytch feel komfortable in pryvate konverzatyon and in group meetyng Klayre ztart for uz already! And mozt important of everythyng, ve kannot throv each other under buz to green kuntz or Zelene about thyz zhyt or Mother Russia vyll jump zhyp for real thyz tyme and vork to help a green Fynal 3 out of game! Thyz iz not threat, it'z realyty! Mother Russia vyll knov if zhe get throvn under buz, zo don't even try it, I vyll keep everythyng ve zay in here zekret alzo! Mother Russia vant open honezt relatyonzhyp viz u zlutz zo ve kan vork better together lyke Red Army in var! ☭
Will they take this awesome offer or continue to play like idiots again? Guess we'll find out zoon enough.