Post by Ripley on Mar 31, 2016 13:09:35 GMT
Alice Cameron Jessica Rita T-X An offer is available to you. To view it, post the following trigger in your CONFESSIONAL ONLY. ANOFFERYOUCAN'TREFUSEThere is to be no discussion of it. If anyone is found to have discussed it or triggered it publicly, you will receive a penalty vote. The offer expires tomorrow at 9PM AWST.
Posts: 199
Post by Rita on Mar 31, 2016 13:11:46 GMT
A few of us saw you posted a thread with this title before deleting it, without seeing inside it. I assume none of that is a problem?
Post by Ripley on Mar 31, 2016 13:14:57 GMT
A few of us saw you posted a thread with this title before deleting it, without seeing inside it. I assume none of that is a problem? It shouldn't be. The liveness of a non-live game got to me. I will say that it triggers an image with text so if anyone needs just a text version, please tag me in your confessional BEFORE you trigger it and I'll make a special trigger to save load time.
The Company
..and when a gay man has way too much fashion sense for one gender he is a Drag Queen!!
Posts: 678
Post by Noxeema on Apr 1, 2016 13:27:23 GMT
None of you took this? Y'all cray for reals.