Post by Mother Russia on Apr 19, 2016 12:04:19 GMT
Ok kuntz, Mother Russia dyd no vant to ruzh thyz bekauze there iz lotz of zhyt to dyzkuzz about everythyng that happen in game, pluz zhe alzo make krappy muzyk vydeo for u zlutz to enjoy vhyle u read Mother Russia openyng ztatement! It haz Sovyet Natyonal Anthem in begynyng & Mother Russia theme zong aftervard, zkyp to lazt 2 mynutez for bezt part if u bytchez vant!
Mother Russia knov zhe bekome mozt undereztymated bytch in game, ezpezyally before merge, zo I fully ekzpekt u kuntz to undereztymate Mother Russia agayn nov that zhe reach fynalz agaynzt all oddz komyng into merge! Mother Russia knov zhe do everythyng zhe muzt do in order to komplete game myzzyon of gettyng here to Fynal 3, zhe alzo knov zome of u kuntz muzt rezent Mother Russia taktykz or the vay zhe bakkztab zeveral kuntz in game. Mother Russia juzt vant to remynd u all of 3 very important thyngz!
1. Ve all zygn up to play game in vhych only ONE zlut kan valk out viz vyktory in very end! Mother Russia dyd no kome here viz intentyon of makyng other kuntz feel bad or anythyng lyke thyz, zhe kome here to VIN juzt lyke everybody elze in game do! Bakkztabbyng zertayn bytchez and flyppyng zydez iz only part of game prozezz!
2. Mother Russia play moztly in charakter lyke heartlezz Toxyk Mega Kunt zhe iz! Zomethyng that make it more dyffykult to konnekt viz zertayn kuntz zometymez, hard to underztand, and alzo prevent Mother Russia from havyng pozytyve momentz viz kuntz on theyr vay to jury gulag! Mother Russia vaz ize kold kunt and never onze leave fake zorry kommentz in votez, and never pozt pathetyk good bye mezzage to kuntz on vay out of game bekauze Mother Russia never rezpekt jury panderyng lyke thyz! Mother Russia do feel bad about zome elymynatyonz zhe have to make, but zhe alvayz remynd zelf thyz iz game and every kunt muzt drop dead eventually anyvay! Afterall, vhat elze dyd u kuntz ekzpekt from Ruzzyan Zpezyal Forzez bytch vho kyll all fellov vorkerz in drunk rage vhen zhe iz bodygard to Pryme Mynyzter?
3. Mother Russia alzo kome into merge az byggezt zyngle underdog bytch in game after rezultz from zurvey zay zhe vaz fyrzt azzazzynatyon target from Zulako trybe! Thyz along viz other important bytz of klazzyfyed informatyon zhe rezeyve from zome kuntz kloze to merge change entyre outlook in game for Mother Russia! Mother Russia dezyde to play hard from thyz moment on and to ALVAYZ do vhatever iz nezezzary for her to get her vay no matter hov many headz muzt roll! Kan any of u kuntz blame Mother Russia for komyng into merge viz poverbytch attytude after zhe vaz goyng to get vote out over veak bytch lyke Tryn vho zukk in myzzyonz and kould not put more than tvo zentenze together vizout zoundyng lyke idyot?? (no offenze to Tryn, but gyrl zukk and even zhe muzt knov it lol). Mother Russia had every ryght to go out and kreate better optyonz for zelf in merge after zhe fynd out vhere zhe ztand in Zulako trybe, and alzo after zhe fynd out gyrlz zhe konzyder komradez in game konzpyre to pull trygger on her behynd her bakk!
Vhyle mozt of u kuntz play game zeeyng only green & blue kolor, Mother Russia zee RED everyvhere!!!!! Thyz iz vhy Mother Russia bekome zukkezful bytch in merge az zhe feel free from havyng to play viz only one zyde, and zhe even play both zydez ztrugglyng for kontrol vizin Blue zyde! Mother Russia play merge lyke independent zmart bytch in zhytty trybe pozzytyon zhould, and zhe zhould not be punyzhed for it zymply bekauze zhe get zlut blood all over herzelf! Everybody alvayz zay green kuntz dezerve to vin game over all other kuntz if they reach fynalz zymply bekauze they are byg underdogz in game, and it'z true, but vhat about Mother Russia?! Mother Russia go from beyng bottom bytch in 10 perzon trybe to bekomyng zyngle mozt poverful kunt in merge, and zhe akkomplyzh thyz not bekauze of chanze, but zhe do it by exploytyng game dyvyzyonz better than any other kunt in game! Mother Russia bekome zekret agent vho joyn every faktyon in game and vaz able to kollekt informatyon from them zhe kould later uze to make movez that benefyt HER game! Mother Russia alzo bekome protekted by mozt bytchez in game after zhe make herzelf indezpenzable vote to them, ezpezyally in later roundz vhen nobody ztryke at Mother Russia even after zhe flyp zydez almozt every epyzode!
Let Mother Russia nov ekzplayn game zhe play in kronylogykal order zo u kuntz kan underztand more vhy zhe make movez zhe make and vhy zhe vaz forzed to dump zertayn kuntz along the vay!
Nobody ever karez for premerge krap in jury bekauze it'z very old nevz and bytchez only vant to hear about themzelvez in openyng ztatement, but premerge thyz tyme aktually do have game-alteryng konzekuenzez for hov merge iz played! 3 very important thyngz happen in premerge: 1) Zulako kompletely deztroy green trybe in myzzyonz vhych leave only 4 green kuntz left in merge, 2) Noxy jump zhyp vhen gyven opportunyty and zhe get throvn under buz to Mother Russia about vantyng her dead by zeveral bytchez. & 3) Mother Russia klaymz vyktory in mozt important myzzyon in game! Kombynatyon of all 3 eventz lead Mother Russia & green kuntz to bekome poverful koalytyon later in game, pluz Mother Russia alzo realyze zhe iz dyzpozzyble bytch to Noxy & Cherry after Mother Russia had made dezyzyon to play viz them all the vay zoon after Zulako trybe formatyon! Zelene, Babydoll, Tryn, & Klayre all throv Noxy under buz to Mother Russia zoon after zhe mutyny to other trybe, and Zelene alzo throv Cherry under bus for vantyng Mother Russia dead alzo vhych iz vhen Mother Russia dezyde to dump thoze vhorez and bekome kloze zekret ally viz Zelene inztead vhych end up havyng HUGE impakt in fynal 1/3 of game!
U kuntz muzt already knov by nov, but yez, Mother Russia infakt vote for Cherry tvyze in only Zulako vote ve have! Mother Russia dyd not kare much for Tryn, but zhe alzo kould no longer truzt Cherry alzo after fyndyng out Nexy and her kampaygn to get Mother Russia out of game! Mother Russia vaz zafe from vote and ready to begyn kuttyng thoartz already zynze bakk then, but Kaylee make ztypyd move for herzelf and vote Tryn out inztead vhen VE had enough votez to azzazzynate Cherry! Thyz vaz fyrzt tyme Mother Russia begyn zekret agent vork bekomyng member for both Zelene/Kaylee/Babydoll & Noxy/Cherry/Klayre/Xena/Ztorm faktyonz, and Mother Russia bazykally get avay viz appearyng loyal to both zydez after vote bekauze everybody iz konfuzzed about vho aktually flyp on vote lol. Mother Russia only tell Zelene truth about hov zhe vote zo that ve kould fynd out vho flyp betveen Kaylee & Babydoll, but Mother Russia alzo let Zelene knov zhe iz tellyng other zyde zhe vote viz them zo that ve kould get informatyon from them thyz vay!
Mother Russia bekome member of both Zulakunt faktyonz, but thyz vazn't enough for her zynze zhe have no aktual pover vizin Noxy/Cherry/Xena/Klayre/Ztorm zyde, Mother Russia dyd no kome into game vantyng to be juzt member of zertayn group, Mother Russia needz to feel lyke zhe have aktual zay in vhat happenz and alzo have other optyonz open in kaze one faylz or zomethyng! Thyz iz vhen Mother Russia dezyde zhe MUZT form tyght allyanze viz green kuntz zynze they vould need azzyztanze in numberz and ve kould better exployt Zulako dyvyzyon together in order to kut numberz on both zydez untyl Mother Russia kould feel zafe and poverful enough viz bryngyng Zulako together to ztart pyllyng trygger on green zlutz! Zomethyng that vould be nezezzary eventually if Mother Russia vanted to have chanze of vyktory in game! Mother Russia get approached by Jezzyka & Alyze to pull trygger on Ztorm viz them on fyrzt vote, but Mother Russia dezyde it vaz too zoon to zhov kardz to other Zulakuntz, pluz Mother Russia lyke Ztorm and zhe only vould take byg ryzk in fyrzt merge vote if bygger player vaz target inztead! Mother Russia alzo prefer to keep zekret agent role in game, zo zhe go viz zafe plan to zplyt Zulako votez 5-4 agaynzt green kuntz even if zhe dyd not vant tvo of them to dye, Mother Russia vaz hopyng for 1 bytch from each zyde dying and thyz iz vhat ve get, zo it vaz great outkome for Mother Russia even if zhe dyd not vant eyther Ztorm or Kameron to dye at that tyme zynze I zee future viz them in game!
Green kuntz loze Kameron in fear tryba, but they play epyzode zo vell, they aktually bekome more poverful thyz vay, ezpezyally vhen they lye to Zelene/Kaylee/Babydoll zyde and get them to vote agaynzt other Zulako zyde makyng dyvyzyon ztronger betveen both zydez! Mother Russia bekome zo imprezzed by them, zhe dezyde to approach them viz byg mezzage azkyng to joyn forzez together for real nov after Mother Russia bakk out of Ztorm vote in pryor round! Mother Russia vin zekond myzzon in merge and zhe feel lyke thyz iz perfekt tyme to ztart takyng byg ryzkz in game zo zhe kreate group mezzage viz green kuntz askyng them for formatyong of offyzyal Toxyk Mega Kuntz allyanze vhych vould rule game for next fev roundz:
Ok kuntz, thiz iz bullzhyt-free zone! Mother Russia haz been vaytyng for veekz to ztart ovn group meetyng viz bytchez and zhe do zo nov vhen the tyme iz ryght! Mother Russia have talk not too much viz u but fynd u kool and gyrlz I vould totally konnekt viz if ve all ztarted on zame trybe!
Mother Russia fully expekt u kuntz to have ovn group chat viz each other and that iz juzt fyne, thiz here iz to help Mother Russia have better kommunykatyon viz u zlutz! But it kould alzo bekome zomethyng more uzeful for all of uz if u zlutz vant it! It'z up to all 3 of u to dezyde!
Ve all knov Mother Russia vaz goyng to be fyrzt boot from Zulako trybe after zurvey myzzyon rezult and after nobody really vanted to kyll boryng kunt Tryn the other nyght! One zyde vanted to zave her for numberz and other zyde kyll her reluktantly only after zhe bekome only real optyon! The fakt vote vent to re-vote for Tryn zay it all, Mother Russia mozt lykely vould've been eazy boot optyon for every zlut if not immune that nyght!
Ve alzo knov all u gyrlz are dovn in old trybe numberz and that everybody elze zee u as zuper tyght group, ryght? U have been dezkrybed to Mother Russia az kore allyanze from green trybe after u all have moztly unanymouz kyllyngz exept for Kall vho get blyndzyded or zomethyng? There vaz alzo rumor of u gyrlz havyng trybe idol and other krap!
All theze faktz really do not matter to Mother Russia, the poynt iz none of uz vill get anyvhere near fynalz in game if ve zyt bakk and let other kuntz kontrol game inztead of uz talkyng and unytyng lyke any group of zmart bytchez in the bottom zhould do!
Mother Russia may be buzy viz lyfe outzyde of game, but zhe iz not dumb uzelezz follover idyot lyke zome of theze arrogant tvatz thynk of her! Mother Russia knov u zlutz muzt have dealz viz other Zulakuntz, maybe viz many or mozt of them? Don't vorry, Mother Russia izn't here to judge u zlutz lol, I only vant to be kompletely honezt bekauze it'z only vay ve vill get anyvhere in game! Mother Russia appearz to be in zomevhat zafe zpot viz Zulako bytchez ryght nov do to zome of them vantyng to murder each other zo they kan bekome the onez to take full kontrol of the game, but nothyng vill lazt forever! Ve vill all eventually bekome ~expandable~ to other kuntz! And deep dovn ve all knov it lol.
Mother Russia zhould maybe apologyze for no votyng viz u gyrlz lazy nyght, but u have to underztand it vaz hard for Mother Russia to knov if u bytchez vould aktually vote that vay or not after ve only talk very fev tymez zynce merge! Mother Russia vaz travelyng zo it vaz moztly her fault for lakk of mezzagyng! Bezyde thiz, Ztorm vaz kynd of 2nd bottom bytch after Mother Russia, zo it alzo felt lyke byg vayzt to turn on Zulakuntz for that zlut! Mother Russia alzo hear about u gyrlz trying to get bazykally all or mozt Zulako gyrlz to vote viz u lazy nyght, zo Mother Russia play it zafe in end and vote hov Zulakuntz dezyded in group chat before I even arrive to board! Thiz iz vhy Mother Russia iz takyng ryzk in zendyng kompkex mezzage to u kuntz, but vhatever, Mother Russia nov knov u all vote hov u zay u vould, zo u have earn Mother Russia rezpekt and truzt, it iz nov up to u to dezyde if u take it or dump it in trazh!
Letz get dovn to buzinezz nov! Lazt nyght aktually end up vorkyng great for all 4 of uz kuntz zynce feud between Noxy/Cherry and Zelene/Babydoll/Kaylee intenzyfy! Vhich zhould hopefully keep all of u zafe for thiz round zynce they vill vant to pull trygger on each other. Noxy/Cherry have Claire & Xena viz them, zo it really iz 4 vz 3 betveen them, and Mother Russia iz zomevhere on the outz untyl kloze to vote deadlyne vhen bytchez vill ztart to drop target namez lyke alvayz! Maybe it vill be dyfferent nov that I vin immynyty, but doubt it!
Thiz iz vhy I vant thyngz to change and try gettyng bottom kuntz lyke uz to zoon have pozytyon of pover! Feud betveen Zulakuntz iz all about POVER vhen u peal all layerz! None of thoze zlutz are in bottom lyke they maybe klaym, they all have zolyd kore allyanzez, and if one zyde vinz out, they vill eventually vork to dump all of uz vhen ve are no longer uzeful to them! Mother Russia zee benefyt in kuttyng numberz from both zydez slovly, zo that VE kan bekome poverful majority zome roundz from nov! There iz alzo optyon of uz joynyng forzez viz one zyde only untyl other zyde iz annyhylated, but vhat happen after thiz to uz? Mother Russia vould rather uz be in dryver zeat!
Mother Russia do not knov vhat Zulakuntz are zellyng to u zlutz, but I promyze u they all have F3 planz viz each other that inklude none of uz! Mother Russia kould maybe get dragged to F3 by zome greedy kunt if I remayn loyal to Zulako all the vay, but that iz only a MAYBE, and Mother Russia dyd no kome here to bekome anybody'z goat anyvay! Mother Russia much rather play game viz u zlutz and hope it vork out in the end, but even if it don't, at leazt I die on ovn termz, u knov? Bekauze if u gyrlz zell me out, vhat iz vorzt that kan happen? Everybody vote Mother Russia out and u gyrlz have one free round, then u all ztyll get kut eventuallu and ve all end up meetyng agayn in jury vizhyng be had vorked together to turn game around!
There iz more to dizkuzz, but Mother Russia bazykally juzt vant to knov if u bytchez vant to deztroy game together viz her and gyve uz all much better chance of reachyng fynalz? Mother Russia iz dovn for thiz, but it vill only vork if ve bekome kompletely honezt viz each other the vay Mother Russia iz here! Ve alzo kannot let other kuntz knov ve are vorkyng together if u gyrlz vant to joyn forzez bekauze thiz vill unyte Zulakuntz to take uz all dovn zynce 4 iz too byg number to let into upkomyng roundz! Vhich mean, everythyng ve dyzkuzz muzt ztay top zekret between uz zlutz lyke if ve are in KGB agenzy! U loze Kameron lazy nyght, but u vin much more uzeful ally in Mother Russia in return, not bad outkome to be honezt!
Mother Russia knov zhe muzt earn green kuntz truzt fyrzt after zhe bakk out of Ztorm vote viz them in pryor round, and zhe zhov them truzt by not zpyllyng plan to blyndzyde Cherry after Jezzyka & Alyze tell Mother Russia about it! Mother Russia thynk Cherry vaz kool bytch and zomebody zhe konzyder kloze komrade in ztart of game, but bytch needed to drop dead by then after Noxy & her fayl to let Mother Russia knov they ver zplyttyng votez bekauze of idol fear! Vhych by the vay vaz RETARDED zynze Rypley pozt in game advartyzement zhe vould have no idolz or itemz in thyz game lol. Cherry dye, and Mother Russia iz left knovyng zhe ztandz on bottom of Noxy/Xena/Klayre zyde, pluz zhe alzo feel lyke Zelene iz not truztyng Mother Russia enough after zhe don't mentyon Cherry plan at all untyl Mother Russia bryng it up to her! Mother Russia nov knovz zhe MUZT kontynue to kut numberz on both Zulako zydez, zo zhe zend green kuntz indyvydual mezzage each about pullyng trygger on one member of each Zylako zyde, but not Zelene bekauze zhe kould be good zhyeld for uz in later roundz! Mother Russia needed to make zure Zelene vaz zafe bekauze ve zhare informatyon viz each other and ve quykly bekome mozt poverful duo in game nobody knov about!
Green kuntz dezyde to make deal viz Noxy zyde and elymynate Babydoll & Kaylee inztead of kuttyng one bytch from each zyde lyke Mother Russia vant and thyz end up beyng byg error for them zynze Kaylee appear to have zero intereztyng in vorkyng viz Noxy, Xena, or Klayre at all! Green kuntz play avezome game untyl then bekauze they make Mother Russia more poverful bytch viz thyz move leavyng Zelene alone from her zyde and open for Mother Russia to kome in and ztart makyng endgame plan viz her! Mother Russia fyrzt thynk lozyng tvo kuntz from zame zyde vould be bad for her, but zhe inztead take full advantage of it and zend thyz mezzage to Zelene about vhat ve muzt do for next round:
Mother Russia is bakk and ready to ztart F8 deztruktyon viz u!
But fyrzt, vhat have other kuntz zay to u zynce lazt nyght? Mother Russia have not talk viz anybody today, but vyll zend zome replyez to all other bytchez ztyll in game after thyz!
Thyz iz vhat Mother Russia get from Green Kuntz and other Zulakuntz:
Green kuntz vant 5 vz 3 vote bekauze they vant to avoyd 4-4 tie and alzo fear pozzyble itemz lyke idol or vote doubler. They expekt Mother Russia to vote viz them agayznt Zulako for thyz round zynce thyz iz vhat I zell them for longezt tyme lol. Jezzyka mozt lykely refer to Mother Russia vhen zhe zay zhe kan get 5ht voter, but ve kannot be zure of thyz, zo try bezt u kan to fynd out from her vho 5th voter iz zo that ve kan knove for zetayn they vant uz both to vote viz them agaynzt Noxy/Klayre/Xena tryo! Alyze zend mezzage to Mother Russia zaying ve kould zkoop u up to vote agaynzt zomebody lyke Klayre lazt nyght after Kaylee dye, zo it really do zound lyke they vant uz to vork viz them, but I fear thoze kuntz kould have zomethyng viz Noxy alzo, u knov? Thyz iz vhy ve muzt fynd out vho Jezzyka thynk iz 5th voter! If green kuntz do in fakt vant uz to zyde viz them, ve have great optyop to kut one bytch from Noxy allyanze!
Noxy/Klayre/Xena appear to vant to vork viz u and Mother Russia! Xena pozt in group chat zhe vant to azzazzynate green kuntz, Klayre iz kareful vhore all the tyme, but zhe pozt zhe alzo vant to ztryke at green kuntz and ztart group F5 chat viz u zo u feel important! Noxy zhov up later and zhoot dovn #BlueStrong F5 chat bekauze zhe zay ve muzt do indyvydual mezzagyng viz u fyrzt zynce ve kannot be zure if u vyll zyde viz green kuntz or no. Zhe alzo zay maybe green kuntz have idol and vantz to be kareful about it lol. Noxy iz eyther beyng paranoyd bytch, or zhe iz tryong to prevent Zulako reunyon viz thiz krap! Thyz iz vhat Mother Russia and u muzt fynd out, darlyng! Ve zhould bryng up idea of kyllyng Noxy for beyng challenge vhore to green kuntz to zee if they go out of vay to protekt her, lez alzo keep tabz on vhatever Noxy zay to uz bekauze ve kannot afford for green kuntz and Noxy havyng zymylar F4 allyanze viz green kuntz and ve leave all 4 of them into F7, u knov?
Vhat Mother Russia truly vant iz to zyde vyz green kuntz and pull trygger on tranny bytch thyz round if it bekome pozzyble! Thyz vould help uz the mozt in the game zynce Xena zay to me in pryvate any green kunt vyll vin if they make it to fynalz, Klayre zeem to be avare of thyz alzo, it iz Noxy vho iz too full of zelf to realyze zhe'z not invynzyble lyke zhe thynk zhe iz! Mother Russia iz not oppoze to kuttyng one green bytch alzo thyz round zynce they are zneaky kuntz thynkyng they kan rope uz both into F4 dealz viz them lol. Mother Russia alzo hear about Noxy/Cherry/Klayre formyng F6 allyanze viz green kuntz bakk vhen green kuntz form F6 viz Babydoll, Kaylee, and u alzo! T-X iz paranoyd kunt and alzo form zeperate allyanze viz all green kuntz and Xena/Klayre lazt round!
One thyng iz for zure, darlyng! Ve zymply kannot let any tryo intakt into F6! Both green kuntz and Noxy krev MUZT loze one member in next 2 votez! And for that ve zeem to have tvo optyonz: Ve kan zyde viz Zulako to murder green kunt thyz round, then ve kould flyp to zyde vyz green kuntz in follovyng round for 4-3 majoryty viz them! Or vhat I thynk vould be eazyer for uz iz zyde viz green kuntz to elymynate a bytch lyke Noxy or any other zlut from thyz group fyrzt, then ve reunyte Zulako in F7 round vhen thoze bytchez vyll be FORZED to vork viz uz in order to prevent green kuntz from vynnyng game! It'z lyke zeveral round lyfe inzuranze for uz, u knov?
Thyz iz vhere Mother Russia head iz ryght nov, vhat about u Zelene? I am glad to have loyal komrade lyke u to be kompletely honezt viz! Люблю тебя!
PZ: Hov iz baby runt kytty kat?
But fyrzt, vhat have other kuntz zay to u zynce lazt nyght? Mother Russia have not talk viz anybody today, but vyll zend zome replyez to all other bytchez ztyll in game after thyz!
Thyz iz vhat Mother Russia get from Green Kuntz and other Zulakuntz:
Green kuntz vant 5 vz 3 vote bekauze they vant to avoyd 4-4 tie and alzo fear pozzyble itemz lyke idol or vote doubler. They expekt Mother Russia to vote viz them agayznt Zulako for thyz round zynce thyz iz vhat I zell them for longezt tyme lol. Jezzyka mozt lykely refer to Mother Russia vhen zhe zay zhe kan get 5ht voter, but ve kannot be zure of thyz, zo try bezt u kan to fynd out from her vho 5th voter iz zo that ve kan knove for zetayn they vant uz both to vote viz them agaynzt Noxy/Klayre/Xena tryo! Alyze zend mezzage to Mother Russia zaying ve kould zkoop u up to vote agaynzt zomebody lyke Klayre lazt nyght after Kaylee dye, zo it really do zound lyke they vant uz to vork viz them, but I fear thoze kuntz kould have zomethyng viz Noxy alzo, u knov? Thyz iz vhy ve muzt fynd out vho Jezzyka thynk iz 5th voter! If green kuntz do in fakt vant uz to zyde viz them, ve have great optyop to kut one bytch from Noxy allyanze!
Noxy/Klayre/Xena appear to vant to vork viz u and Mother Russia! Xena pozt in group chat zhe vant to azzazzynate green kuntz, Klayre iz kareful vhore all the tyme, but zhe pozt zhe alzo vant to ztryke at green kuntz and ztart group F5 chat viz u zo u feel important! Noxy zhov up later and zhoot dovn #BlueStrong F5 chat bekauze zhe zay ve muzt do indyvydual mezzagyng viz u fyrzt zynce ve kannot be zure if u vyll zyde viz green kuntz or no. Zhe alzo zay maybe green kuntz have idol and vantz to be kareful about it lol. Noxy iz eyther beyng paranoyd bytch, or zhe iz tryong to prevent Zulako reunyon viz thiz krap! Thyz iz vhat Mother Russia and u muzt fynd out, darlyng! Ve zhould bryng up idea of kyllyng Noxy for beyng challenge vhore to green kuntz to zee if they go out of vay to protekt her, lez alzo keep tabz on vhatever Noxy zay to uz bekauze ve kannot afford for green kuntz and Noxy havyng zymylar F4 allyanze viz green kuntz and ve leave all 4 of them into F7, u knov?
Vhat Mother Russia truly vant iz to zyde vyz green kuntz and pull trygger on tranny bytch thyz round if it bekome pozzyble! Thyz vould help uz the mozt in the game zynce Xena zay to me in pryvate any green kunt vyll vin if they make it to fynalz, Klayre zeem to be avare of thyz alzo, it iz Noxy vho iz too full of zelf to realyze zhe'z not invynzyble lyke zhe thynk zhe iz! Mother Russia iz not oppoze to kuttyng one green bytch alzo thyz round zynce they are zneaky kuntz thynkyng they kan rope uz both into F4 dealz viz them lol. Mother Russia alzo hear about Noxy/Cherry/Klayre formyng F6 allyanze viz green kuntz bakk vhen green kuntz form F6 viz Babydoll, Kaylee, and u alzo! T-X iz paranoyd kunt and alzo form zeperate allyanze viz all green kuntz and Xena/Klayre lazt round!
One thyng iz for zure, darlyng! Ve zymply kannot let any tryo intakt into F6! Both green kuntz and Noxy krev MUZT loze one member in next 2 votez! And for that ve zeem to have tvo optyonz: Ve kan zyde viz Zulako to murder green kunt thyz round, then ve kould flyp to zyde vyz green kuntz in follovyng round for 4-3 majoryty viz them! Or vhat I thynk vould be eazyer for uz iz zyde viz green kuntz to elymynate a bytch lyke Noxy or any other zlut from thyz group fyrzt, then ve reunyte Zulako in F7 round vhen thoze bytchez vyll be FORZED to vork viz uz in order to prevent green kuntz from vynnyng game! It'z lyke zeveral round lyfe inzuranze for uz, u knov?
Thyz iz vhere Mother Russia head iz ryght nov, vhat about u Zelene? I am glad to have loyal komrade lyke u to be kompletely honezt viz! Люблю тебя!
PZ: Hov iz baby runt kytty kat?
Alyze & Jezzyka both dezyde they vant Noxy dead next, zo it all vork out lyke magyk zynze it'z juzt vhat Mother Russia & Zelene vant alzo! If green kuntz had not gone viz Noxy vote idea, Mother Russia vaz ready to make fyrzt ztryke at them by zydyng viz Zulakuntz in vote, but zhe more prefer to get Noxy out leavyng 3 green kuntz and 3 Zulakuntz in for F7 round vhere Mother Russia vould be free to pull trygger on eayther zyde az zvyng vote! Klayre ztart #BlueZtrong group mezzage for uz zoon after Noxy dye and Mother Russia make zure green kuntz knov about it in kaze zhe dezyde to vote viz them if Xena & Klayre don't agree to vork viz Mother Russia in nev Fynal 3 allyanze! Mother Russia zend thyz out to thoze kuntz in nev3-vay group mezzage viz "Yelta Konferenze" title:
Ok kuntz, the tyme haz kome for uz to put old Zulako dyvyzyon zhyt azyde and realyze ve MUZT unyte and bekome ztronger than ever group of zlutz nov vhen ve have very fev optyonz left for any of uz to vin game! In other vordz, enough viz the bullzhyt and fukkyng around!
Mother Russia iz not deluzyonal bytch and zhe knov zhe have very zmall chance of vyktory bekauze of lov aktyvyty and other thyngz! Thyz doez not mean Mother Russia zhould roll over and juzt vayt in hope that other kuntz vyll drag her to fynalz, u knov? Mother Russia muzt fyght lyke zhe iz female Zyberyan Bull lyke Ivan Drago!
Mother Russia talk vyz both of u kuntz after vote lazt nyght and both zay u vanted to pull trygger on tranny zlut zoon anyvay, zo ve all kould have made better plan together for thyz if u kuntz have told Mother Russia about thyz lol. Tranny zlut alvayz make Mother Russia feel lyke zhe iz tag-a-long bytch only in allyanze, pluz zhe target Mother Russia to everyone in Zulako trybe before merge and to all green kuntz alzo in merge! Mother Russia knov it benefyt green kuntz to have her pull trygger on Noxy lazyt nyght, but it felt lyke zomethyng that needed to happen after the vay tranny zlut handle entyre round full of idol paranoya and zkramblyng. Lying to Zelene and targettyng her behynd bakk vhen Zulako needed her vote vaz RETARDED!
Ve muzt get her to kome bakk to uz nov but only vay to do iz beyng honezt viz her! Zhe iz not byg idyot lyke Noxy thynk zhe iz, and zhe alzo zeem to knov about every green kuntz deztroying uz in fynalz! They are game underdogz and play great game explytyng Zulako dyvyzyon in merge, vhyle Zulakuntz zpend all merge targettyng each other inztead! Problem iz, Zelene iz underdog bytch alzo nov after beyng byg target for many roundz and lozyng kloze komradez in zame nyght!
Vhych mean, all 3 zlutz in here muzt kome together for indyvydual and mutual benefyt zynze ve have much better chanze in fynalz agaynzt each other than ve do viz any other kunt next to uz! Maybe thyz iz not orygynal plan ve all have before but ve kannot afford to zkrev up one more tyme bekauze ve only play for zekond or thyrd plaze after that! Do u kuntz get vhat Mother Russia zay?! Green kuntz deztroy everyone in fynalz, they destroy Zelene alzo, but Zelene deztroy every other kunt left in game!
Mother Russia take byg ryzk viz thyz mezzage bekauze u kuntz kan very eazy run and tell green kuntz and Zelene about thyz, but guezz vhat? You vyll be throvyng avay your gamez alzo, and Mother Russia ultymately don't kare too much if zhe iz voted out or no zynze zhe hate zendyng mezzagez in game anyvay lol. Mother Russia hope u kuntz are zmart enough to zee vhat'z in front of u and hov uz 3 komyng together lyke Ztalyn, Churchyl, & FDR do in VVII to defeat oppozytyon iz vhat iz needed here in game! Kan u zlutz guezz vho iz Ztalyn here?
Green kuntz bekome zukkzezzful vhen ve are dyvyded, but they kannot hurt uz if ve kome together! All ve need iz Zelene to vote viz uz thyz round, then ve kontrol 50% of vote next round, if ve keep Zelene vyz uz agayn for next vote tomorrov, ve have eazy path to fynalz after thyz, ve kan then chooze if ve vant green kunt or Zelene in F4 viz uz! Zelene iz vorzt kompetytor in myzzyon zo zhe iz excellent kandydate for fynal jury zpot, but ve kan alvayz go vyz green kunt inztead, except if that green bytch vinz fynal immunyty, ve are fukkd and handyng her game!
Mozt important thyng iz to get Zelene viz uz by promyzyng her Fynalz 4 deal zynze thyz muzt be vhat green kuntz promyze her already! Ve muzt make bytch feel komfortable in pryvate konverzatyon and in group meetyng Klayre ztart for uz already! And mozt important of everythyng, ve kannot throv each other under buz to green kuntz or Zelene about thyz zhyt or Mother Russia vyll jump zhyp for real thyz tyme and vork to help a green Fynal 3 out of game! Thyz iz not threat, it'z realyty! Mother Russia vyll knov if zhe get throvn under buz, zo don't even try it, I vyll keep everythyng ve zay in here zekret alzo! Mother Russia vant open honezt relatyonzhyp viz u zlutz zo ve kan vork better together lyke Red Army in var! ☭
Mother Russia iz not deluzyonal bytch and zhe knov zhe have very zmall chance of vyktory bekauze of lov aktyvyty and other thyngz! Thyz doez not mean Mother Russia zhould roll over and juzt vayt in hope that other kuntz vyll drag her to fynalz, u knov? Mother Russia muzt fyght lyke zhe iz female Zyberyan Bull lyke Ivan Drago!
Mother Russia talk vyz both of u kuntz after vote lazt nyght and both zay u vanted to pull trygger on tranny zlut zoon anyvay, zo ve all kould have made better plan together for thyz if u kuntz have told Mother Russia about thyz lol. Tranny zlut alvayz make Mother Russia feel lyke zhe iz tag-a-long bytch only in allyanze, pluz zhe target Mother Russia to everyone in Zulako trybe before merge and to all green kuntz alzo in merge! Mother Russia knov it benefyt green kuntz to have her pull trygger on Noxy lazyt nyght, but it felt lyke zomethyng that needed to happen after the vay tranny zlut handle entyre round full of idol paranoya and zkramblyng. Lying to Zelene and targettyng her behynd bakk vhen Zulako needed her vote vaz RETARDED!
Ve muzt get her to kome bakk to uz nov but only vay to do iz beyng honezt viz her! Zhe iz not byg idyot lyke Noxy thynk zhe iz, and zhe alzo zeem to knov about every green kuntz deztroying uz in fynalz! They are game underdogz and play great game explytyng Zulako dyvyzyon in merge, vhyle Zulakuntz zpend all merge targettyng each other inztead! Problem iz, Zelene iz underdog bytch alzo nov after beyng byg target for many roundz and lozyng kloze komradez in zame nyght!
Vhych mean, all 3 zlutz in here muzt kome together for indyvydual and mutual benefyt zynze ve have much better chanze in fynalz agaynzt each other than ve do viz any other kunt next to uz! Maybe thyz iz not orygynal plan ve all have before but ve kannot afford to zkrev up one more tyme bekauze ve only play for zekond or thyrd plaze after that! Do u kuntz get vhat Mother Russia zay?! Green kuntz deztroy everyone in fynalz, they destroy Zelene alzo, but Zelene deztroy every other kunt left in game!
Mother Russia take byg ryzk viz thyz mezzage bekauze u kuntz kan very eazy run and tell green kuntz and Zelene about thyz, but guezz vhat? You vyll be throvyng avay your gamez alzo, and Mother Russia ultymately don't kare too much if zhe iz voted out or no zynze zhe hate zendyng mezzagez in game anyvay lol. Mother Russia hope u kuntz are zmart enough to zee vhat'z in front of u and hov uz 3 komyng together lyke Ztalyn, Churchyl, & FDR do in VVII to defeat oppozytyon iz vhat iz needed here in game! Kan u zlutz guezz vho iz Ztalyn here?
Green kuntz bekome zukkzezzful vhen ve are dyvyded, but they kannot hurt uz if ve kome together! All ve need iz Zelene to vote viz uz thyz round, then ve kontrol 50% of vote next round, if ve keep Zelene vyz uz agayn for next vote tomorrov, ve have eazy path to fynalz after thyz, ve kan then chooze if ve vant green kunt or Zelene in F4 viz uz! Zelene iz vorzt kompetytor in myzzyon zo zhe iz excellent kandydate for fynal jury zpot, but ve kan alvayz go vyz green kunt inztead, except if that green bytch vinz fynal immunyty, ve are fukkd and handyng her game!
Mozt important thyng iz to get Zelene viz uz by promyzyng her Fynalz 4 deal zynze thyz muzt be vhat green kuntz promyze her already! Ve muzt make bytch feel komfortable in pryvate konverzatyon and in group meetyng Klayre ztart for uz already! And mozt important of everythyng, ve kannot throv each other under buz to green kuntz or Zelene about thyz zhyt or Mother Russia vyll jump zhyp for real thyz tyme and vork to help a green Fynal 3 out of game! Thyz iz not threat, it'z realyty! Mother Russia vyll knov if zhe get throvn under buz, zo don't even try it, I vyll keep everythyng ve zay in here zekret alzo! Mother Russia vant open honezt relatyonzhyp viz u zlutz zo ve kan vork better together lyke Red Army in var! ☭
Both bytchez agree viz Mother Russia plan juzt lyke zhe ekzpekt them to after they both zay they fear Zelene in pryvate, infakt, Xena had been puzhyng for a Zelene vote for zeveral roundz before thyz but never got it done bekauze bytch never really had aktual pover to do vhat zhe vanted! Mother Russia then let Zelene knov about nev allyanze zhe kreate viz Xena/Klayre and ve dezyde to ztart kuttyng into green kunt numberz before they kontrol 50% of votez in game! Thyz iz vhen game ztart bekomyng very dyffykult for Mother Russia on emotyonal termz zynze zhe love vorkyng viz thoze green zlutz zo much zhe vyzh zhe had deztroy bytchez on green trybe viz them zynze day 1! Mother Russia alzo vaz dealyng viz perzonal tragedy outzyde of game, but zhe dezyde to keep eye on pryze and put emotyonz azyde in order to make bezt game dezyzzyon pozzyble for her! Alyzze vaz not fyrzt green kunt elymynatyon choyze for Mother Russia bekauze zhe rezpekt bytch too much and feel zhe dezerve to make at leazt 2 more zpotz up in game, but other Zulakuntz fear bytch too much and Mother Russia dezyde to not put up fyght over thyz zynze zhe have to dye zoon anyvay for beyng byggezt jury threat!
Mother Russia notyze hov Xena & Klayre try puzhyng agenda on Zelene & Mother Russia in group mezzage and thyz naturaly iz not zomethyng Mother Russia lyke at all! Mother Russia zuggezt pullyng trygger on T-X inztead of Alyze, both kuntz turn it dovn, and thyz vaz bazykally vhen Mother Russia dezyde one of theze kuntz vould be dying the follovyng round dependyng on myzzyon rezultz! Thyz izvhat Mother Russia pozt in konfezzyonal az zoon az zhe arryve to board:
Mother Russia keep it to herzelf bekauze zhe do not knov if Zelene vould be ok viz changyng plan ve make to vote out tvo green kuntz fyrzt before pullyng trygger on one more Zulakunt! #BlueZtrong team vanted Jezzyka dead in next after Alyze bekauze they fear her too much alzo, but Mother Russia love bytch and vanted to keep her in az zhyeld for F5 round in kaze Zulakuntz get veyrd ideaz in head! Jezzyka zkore vyktory in myzzyon and Mother Russia pryvately zelebrate lyke if zhe vin myzzyon herzelf Mother Russia zend out thyz mezzage to Zelene about pullyn trygger on Klayre and zhe zoon zend bakk pozytyve reply zaying zhe iz dovn and ekzyted for another blyndzyde!
Ok zveetheart, tyme for uz to get poverkunt outfytz on and ztart gettyng dovn to byzynezz about vote!
Mother Russia agree viz u ve need zomebody lyke Xena in fynalz viz uz for much eazyer tyme bekauze Klayre have great opportunyty for vyktory after zhe vin zo many myzzyonz, remayne loyal to allyez, and bekome lyked by everybody in game! Bytch haz upzet nobody zo far and thyz vorry Mother Russia zynze zhe vould get votez from many Zulakoz and Green Kuntz over uz, u knov?
Thyz iz vhy Mother Russia iz thynkyng tonyght kould be great opportunyty to kut her throat before zhe challenge vhore in next tvo myzzyonz and make it to fynalz! Xena & her alzo vyew u az jury threat from vhat kuntz zay to Mother Russia and vyll mozt lykely try to elymynate one of uz next round lyke ve plan to do viz her in order to avaoyd 2-2 tye in F4, exept ve'd be ztrykyng fyrzt at bytch tonyght vhych vould put uz in bezt pozytyon in game for next round vhen Xena vould be FORZED to F3 viz uz vhych iz exaktly vhat ve vant! Ve kan then pull trygger on Jezzyka in F5, then have eazy round in F4 vhere ve have vote together to azzazzynate T-X zynze bytch izn't kapable of vynnyng anythyng lol.
Mother Russia vaz goyng to go along viz plan to elymynate another green kunt tonyght untyl I thynk about numberz and all zcenaryos in fynal roundz on vay bakk from vork and realyze Klayre MUZT dye or game vyktory vyll be herz! Xena iz delyzyonal kunt vho kannot zee zhe lozez in landzlyde to Klayre, but ve are not lyke her and ve zee vhat'z in front of uz! Then Jezz vin myzzyon tonyght and zhe mezzage Mother Russia ryght avay azkyng if ve kan pull trygger on Klayre and it'z lyke zygn from Ztalyn in heaven that ve are meant to kyll Klayre tonyght!
Mother Russia iz viz u in thyz untyl very end vin or loze and vant u to pleaze jump in on maybe lazt opportunyty to get ryd of Zulako byggezt jury threat! Mother Russia do not vant tye zytuatyon to happen and ruyn everything for uz. If ve pull off move tonyght, it bazykally lokk uz in for F3 viz Xena and ve do no have to vorry about next tvo votez zynze ve knov green kuntz have to dye before fynalz! Xena vyll be mad and have temeper tantrum lyke byg baby zhe iz, but ve have all veekend for her to kool dovn and kome kravlyng bakk to uz lol. If T-X vaz great myzzyon kompetytor, Mother Russia vould no take chance viz her and Jezz both in game, but ve both knov zhe zukk azz and vyll eazyly be defeated by all 3 of uz!
Vhat do u zay, darlyng? Are u ok viz makyng one more fun move to put uz in bezt zpot in game?
Mother Russia agree viz u ve need zomebody lyke Xena in fynalz viz uz for much eazyer tyme bekauze Klayre have great opportunyty for vyktory after zhe vin zo many myzzyonz, remayne loyal to allyez, and bekome lyked by everybody in game! Bytch haz upzet nobody zo far and thyz vorry Mother Russia zynze zhe vould get votez from many Zulakoz and Green Kuntz over uz, u knov?
Thyz iz vhy Mother Russia iz thynkyng tonyght kould be great opportunyty to kut her throat before zhe challenge vhore in next tvo myzzyonz and make it to fynalz! Xena & her alzo vyew u az jury threat from vhat kuntz zay to Mother Russia and vyll mozt lykely try to elymynate one of uz next round lyke ve plan to do viz her in order to avaoyd 2-2 tye in F4, exept ve'd be ztrykyng fyrzt at bytch tonyght vhych vould put uz in bezt pozytyon in game for next round vhen Xena vould be FORZED to F3 viz uz vhych iz exaktly vhat ve vant! Ve kan then pull trygger on Jezzyka in F5, then have eazy round in F4 vhere ve have vote together to azzazzynate T-X zynze bytch izn't kapable of vynnyng anythyng lol.
Mother Russia vaz goyng to go along viz plan to elymynate another green kunt tonyght untyl I thynk about numberz and all zcenaryos in fynal roundz on vay bakk from vork and realyze Klayre MUZT dye or game vyktory vyll be herz! Xena iz delyzyonal kunt vho kannot zee zhe lozez in landzlyde to Klayre, but ve are not lyke her and ve zee vhat'z in front of uz! Then Jezz vin myzzyon tonyght and zhe mezzage Mother Russia ryght avay azkyng if ve kan pull trygger on Klayre and it'z lyke zygn from Ztalyn in heaven that ve are meant to kyll Klayre tonyght!
Mother Russia iz viz u in thyz untyl very end vin or loze and vant u to pleaze jump in on maybe lazt opportunyty to get ryd of Zulako byggezt jury threat! Mother Russia do not vant tye zytuatyon to happen and ruyn everything for uz. If ve pull off move tonyght, it bazykally lokk uz in for F3 viz Xena and ve do no have to vorry about next tvo votez zynze ve knov green kuntz have to dye before fynalz! Xena vyll be mad and have temeper tantrum lyke byg baby zhe iz, but ve have all veekend for her to kool dovn and kome kravlyng bakk to uz lol. If T-X vaz great myzzyon kompetytor, Mother Russia vould no take chance viz her and Jezz both in game, but ve both knov zhe zukk azz and vyll eazyly be defeated by all 3 of uz!
Vhat do u zay, darlyng? Are u ok viz makyng one more fun move to put uz in bezt zpot in game?
Jezzyka zend mezzage to Mother Russia azkyng to pull trygger on Klayre and zpare T-X inztead alzo, vhyzh iz juzt vhat Mother Russia needed to head zynze zhe alvayz konzyder Klayre much bygger threat than Xena vho play moztly emotyonal game! Zorry Klayre, but u have to knov thyz vaz not perzonal vote at all, it vaz zymple ztrategy! Mother Russia feel lyke zhe and Zelene are in fynalz after F6 move, only matter of zeeyng if ve kan get both green kuntz out before Fynal 3, and if not, ve kan alvayz zakryfyze Xena, or Mother Russia kould go to F3 viz both green kuntz it if end up vorkyng out thyz vay! Thyngz end up vorkyng out juzt lyke Mother Russia vant in end and zhe get Fynal 3 zhe vant, free of vote-magentz lyke green kuntz, zyttyng next to right-hand komrade Zelene, and next to Xena vho Mother Russia alzo lyke in game, but zhe never really akkomplyzh much in termz of movez and game, zhe vaz bazykally along for Fynal 3 ryde after Noxy get zent to jury gulag!
Mother Russia hope u kuntz vyll not judge her bazed on perzonal perzeptyon of her, but judge her inztead bazed on all zhe akkomplyzh in game viz lov-aktyvity at tymez, playing from fone for lyke 90% of game, and after zhe vaz zentenzed to death by ovn trybe after zhe help them vyn myzzyonz in premerge! And remember kuntz, there are no rulez to hov ve play theze gamez!