Post by Xena on Apr 10, 2016 11:31:47 GMT
Do I really want baby doll to go home tonight? It seems like the most straight forward vote but it means working with Nostromo who have lied to us before. I like babydoll a lot but I think she has kind of placed me on the opposite side by not working with me on the last two votes. If Nostromo are honest tonight then both babydoll and Kaylee will go and I will have Claire, MR and noxy to work with in the final 8. If they lie then I'm likely to go home. I could play the advantage but I wouldn't play it until final 9 but also if I keep the advantage and I get to final 8 then it would be something really useful to have. I'm not sure what to do here argh!
Post by Xena on Apr 12, 2016 11:45:30 GMT
So I have decided to play my advantage tonight and I feel like I should explain why and how I hope it works out.
Firstly I'm playing it because my gut has been telling me too all day and has told me to play it on Alice.
The other reason for using it tonight is because it kind of makes sense in case another advantage is in play, which apparently there is. Let me give you the break down on why I think my advantage is useful right now.
Ok. So in the game right now you have Claire, mother Russia, noxy and myself on one side. You then have Alice, Jess and TX on another and then Selene in the middle.
With Selene being in the middle it could become a 4-4 tribal. By playing my advantage on Alice it cancels out her vote making it 4-3.
The other factor here is if there is an idol. Ok so say TX plays the idol. We have told Jess and Alice we are voting TX when really we are voting Jess. Except I'm voting TX and so is Selene if she sticks with us. So the vote could be 4 for TX 3 for Jess and then 1 somewhere else. If she uses the idol then it's 3 Jess and 1 stray. If say she's plays it and Nostromo vote together. Alice's vote won't count so it's then 3 Jess 2 someone else.
Say Selene votes with them and TX plays the idol it's then a split 3-3 and we revote and take out Jess.
But then what if Jess has an idol? You ask. Well then it basically works in the same way but instead TX goes instead of Jess. And even if there is. Advantage played then it's still split votes.
If this second advantage is like mine then we are still up in numbers.
I just hope it's not a double voter because then we could be fucked.
Post by Xena on Apr 12, 2016 11:57:51 GMT
Oh and the other reason for why I am voting TX and not Jess is. If it's 4 votes Jess and she played the idol then Jess and TX vote someone else but then Selene and I vote TX. We revote and then it's TX.
The only think that could fuck us here is a double voter or if Selene votes Jess.
Post by Xena on Apr 12, 2016 12:04:29 GMT
Argh!! Omg omg!! Thank god I played mine haha and yay me! Final 7! Argh!!!!
Post by Xena on Apr 12, 2016 12:07:28 GMT
The best thing about this is that my vote won't get read out (I hope!) and then TX won't hate me as much! Yay!
Post by Xena on Apr 12, 2016 12:37:59 GMT
Oh for fuck sakes! How many dumb bitches am I playing with here? How hard is it to understand that if a Nostromo makes it to FTC THEY FUCKING WIN!! God dammit! I mean fuck Selene and her possy for all of their personal bullshit in this game but who ever else flipped, omg! I hope I do lose this game so I can tell everyone, in detail how stupid they are! The second time we have attempted to make a move on Nostromo and it fucks up. ARGH!!!!
Post by Xena on Apr 13, 2016 0:55:42 GMT
I'm feeling kind of lost and like my game is coming to the end but in perspective I only have 4 more people to beat. That advantage would have been better to have now but no point in crying over it. I doubt that the nostromo girls will trust me again but can they really trust any of us? Also there is the point that if all three Nostromo girls make it to FTC, who will we vote for? They would have to fight just as hard at FTC as they have been this whole entire game so maybe there is an opportunity there. If Selene and MR don't want to work with Claire and I then maybe I have no chose but to try and form a new path. I think f I get FTC I can at least make some sort of statement that might highlight my game and could benefit me. I guess at this point there's no where else but up.
Post by Xena on Apr 13, 2016 10:31:53 GMT
So at the moment it seems like the 4 remaining Sulaco are coming together on this vote. I think that Nostromo have gotten a little cocky and think that they have Selene and that they can work Mother Russia and myself into flipping. I hope this isn't true because this is literally our last chance at beating Nostromo.
I was shocked that Mother Russia flipped last night, I feel like I have always been her closest ally in the game and has relied on me to tell her what is going on and when I found out she flipped and for personal reasons it was like she stabbed me in the back also. I don't really hold it against her because apparently Noxy had been throwing her under the bus this whole entire game but I am kind of disappointed that another person has made a move based on personal choice and not game play. I think everyone who has made personal calls in this game has been rather selfish. Which may be contradicting for me to say seeing as though I was gunning for Kaylee but I feel as though in that case it was more about making Kaylee the common enemy rather then personal differences.
I have tried to stir the pot with the Nostromo girls, after they didn't believe that I had actually voted for TX, I sent them a group message explain why I did vote for her and how I do have my own agenda even when I am on Claires side. But I would like to point out that every move I have made in this game so far hasn't just been for personal gain, it has also been to benefit my alliances. After trying to stir the pot and making myself loo desperate I am getting hints that they are targeting Claire, I am also getting hints that they are wanting to make moves and split away from being "Nostromo". Both Alice and TX have brought it up and it seems like Jess is the last to do so. I believe she is better at one on one chat but still, her sisters are getting the jump on her.
This point of the game is risky for me because I do think that I could easily lose the game as easily as I can win it. If I play my cards right I can still get to FTC but if I slip up at all or don't watch myself my game could end. I guess the fact that I realise this, reassures myself that I know that I can only gain from here on in. I have started trying to lay out my game a little and try and make myself look like a big player, I don't know if its needed but I do know that if I make it to FTC with Claire or a Nostromo I will need to be able to prove that I did have big game. and if the jurors from here on out see first hand what my game has been about they could vote my way. Alice has kind of reassured me that my efforts in this game haven't gone un noticed and that I have played well, its a complement but also a good idea of my image in this game.
I would be happy to sit next to Mother Russia and Claire at FTC, I feel like it would be a good final 3 and that I could beat them but I don't think it would be an easy win. I have a lot of respect for both of them and they have been my most reliable allies in this game. They have my back so much in this game and I have worked hard to make sure that they are still here. I hope tonights plan goes the way we have agreed and that the next lot of tribals can be a little more clear. hopefully no one is still playing a personal game.
Post by Xena on Apr 14, 2016 12:56:58 GMT
"I have nothing but gain here"
If I make it to the final 3 with Selene and mother Russia I will fucking destroy their asses! How fucking dumb are these people! Yeh Claire is a huge threat and she might kick your ass at FTC BUT SO WILL JESS AND TX!! argh! I bet this game is real entertaining to watch but it's the dumbest shit I have ever dealt with! Mother Russia and Selene can eat a dick for all I care!
Post by Xena on Apr 14, 2016 22:17:57 GMT
I am so fucking mad about Claire's vote! I fucking loved her and she was a reliable ally but what pisses me off even more is how two faced mother Russia and Selene are being about it. Don't fucking shank me and then so sorry to my face! You know exactly what you were doing and how it would effect me! You don't think I couldn't beat Claire at the finale? She was a tough competitor but I knew I stood a chance against here but looking at how the game has played out who do I stand a chance against?
Selene keeps playing dumb with me "oh I won't win, I have back stabbed to many people and they hate me" stop lying you whore! That exactly why you will win this game! Ugh! But I'm not going to tell her that, I will not give her more ammo at FTC. I will be the only one in this game where I will wait quietly and patiently for my revenge. I will make it FTC, I don't care who with but I will get there and my statement will be the best written statement of my life (that's if I'm not to illiterate)
I am outraged by mother Russia and Selene and apart of me does want to side with Jess and Tx here and vote them out next but I know my angle in this game and I know I stand a better chance against mother Russia and Selene and let's face the facts, I didn't come here to lose.... I mean, even the natzis came in second! I have made a point of not playing a personal game but I can tell you now that my statement will be very personal.
I may be down in the gutters still but my game is far from over and I have survived everything so far and I know I can survive the next two tribals (if I lose, this post will be so embarrassing) I really don't want to place 5th again.
Post by Xena on Apr 16, 2016 7:08:44 GMT
So I think I did alright in the challenge. I am not confident to say I will win it and me talking about it will probably just jinx me but I was happy with my result (I just hope I didn't make any mistakes that I haven't picked up on) I think winning these next two immunities will help give my statement an added boost and help me beat who ever is at final 3.
I am still siding with Selene and mother Russia with the votes, even though they have back stabbed me I know I gave a better chance of winning the game if they are at the FTC and that's why I am playing this game, to win. I cant let my game become personal or emotional even though I have lost a strong ally, I guess the up side on losing Claire is that it could be a vote I can get at FTC.
Right now Jess and TX aren't speaking to me, I don't really mind because I have made it clear to them that I will vote them out and don't have any intention of making it to FTC with them. They know I am a lost cause when it comes to flipping so they would be wasting their time by playing game with me. I have been talking to Selene and mother Russia. after the tribal I let them know how pissed off I was about Claire's vote and that I do not trust them but today I reassured them that I am still siding with them. What I am starting to do though is think about what shit I have against Mother Russia and Selene, what can I use against them at the FTC and also looking at my game and working out how I will want to come across at FTC. I don't want to talk about failed moves and blindsides in my FTC speech, it has to be about my loyalty and how I always had a choice to be loyal and stand by my intentions. I think that is something that I have over mother Russia and Selene. These girls could have played a loyal game and been more honest but they haven't and I want the jury to be aware of that. The other upside to my game is that no one here has seen me fight, simply because I have never had too but the thing is I know I can fight and I plan to do so at FTC. I wont throw these girls under the bus in my statement but if people ask me to I will do so, probably wont be too horrible towards them but I will know what I want to say and what point I want to get across.
All this FTC is probably very arrogant of me but what else do I have to think about right now? I mean I either lose and have to write a jury statement or I make it to FTC and write a winning statement.
Post by Xena on Apr 17, 2016 4:07:57 GMT
I won immunity, I won immunity! Argh omg this is my first individual immunity ever! And if I win the next one that will look so great in my statement! I hope Jess goes tonight and that mother Russia and Selene do have my back like they say they do.
Post by Ripley on Apr 17, 2016 5:11:18 GMT
Congrats on your first ever individual immunity Xena. The Expendables has a record of seeing a lot of firsts!
Post by Xena on Apr 17, 2016 5:26:16 GMT
Thanks so much Ripley. Won my first immunity, got my first advantage, this game has been great for ticking boxes
Post by Xena on Apr 17, 2016 11:13:23 GMT
We could have ended Nostromos story tonight if we had stuck to the plan and voted TX out over Claire, or ended it by final 6 if we voted Jess out instead of Noxy or ended it by voting TX out along side Cameron instead of cutting out Storm in the tribal of fear... just saying.